synthesis converter

英 [ˈsɪnθəsɪs kənˈvɜːtə(r)] 美 [ˈsɪnθəsɪs kənˈvɜːrtər]

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  1. Study on Two Line Voltage Synthesis Strategy of A 3-phase to 2-phase Matrix Converter
  2. Based on the principle of the two line voltage synthesis control for matrix converter, the method to indirectly generate the required PWM pulses is presented.
  3. Features and Temperatre Distribution of the Internals of SY-3C Ammonia Synthesis Converter
  4. Thirdly software is programmed in CCS according to the hardware. Software includes subprograms of direct digital frequency synthesis, subprogram of analog to digital converter, subprogram of FFT, subprogram of display and main program.
  5. On Local Superheat to the Hydrogen Corrosion of the Shell of Ammonia Synthesis Converter
  6. Horizontal converter is a new type of ammonia synthesis converter.
  7. In accordance with the characteristics of hydrogen chloride synthesis converter made of graphite, the author puts forward the design method and mathematic model that determines the outlet gas temperature of the synthesis converter, providing precondition for the optimization design of graphite cooling tubes and graphite coolers.
  8. Simulation and Analysis of the Operating Conditions of Methanol Synthesis Converter
  9. Design of Synthesis Automatic Control System For Steel-making Converter
  10. Axial Distributions of Maximum Reaction Rate of Ammonia Synthesis in an Ammonia Converter
  11. Multi-objective and multilevel optimization, with minimal compressor power and maximal production rate as object, and optimal temperature profiles of the ammonia synthesis converter as constraint, is explored.
  12. Simulation and optimization of stage quenching ammonia synthesis converter based on MATLAB
  13. Simulation and Optimization of Ammonia Synthesis Converter with Radial Flow
  14. Two Voltage Control Principle and Waveform Synthesis of AC AC Matrix Converter
  15. This paper introduces the structure, repairing of internals, catalyst loading and operational situation of Φ 1200 axial-radial ammonia synthesis converter. It also presents a suggestion of manufacture and reformation of the internals.
  16. Energy saving type general flowsheet of synthesis loop with new converter internal is analyzed from the points of gas quality and cool energy balance.
  17. Comprehensive calculations and analysis have been made for ammonia synthesis taking place in ammonia converter, with regard to the loss in exergy as well as the rates of chemical reaction and heat transfer.
  18. THE APPLICATION OF PROCESS SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY Simulation and Optimization of Ammonia Synthesis Converter with Radial Flow
  19. Safety Analysis of Weld Crack for Ammonia Synthesis Converter
  20. Design and Usage of Uniform Temperature Type Low-Pressure Methanol Synthesis Converter
  21. Methanol Synthesis Process and Technology of Converter in Modern Times ( First Part)
  22. The reasonable choice of material, proper solution of thermal expansion problem with tube sheet stress analysis and reasonable structure design must be considerable in the design of tube sheet type methanol synthesis converter.
  23. Use of Type A 301 Ammonia Synthesis Catalyst in Model NC-1020 Ammonia Converter Internals
  24. Briefly Introducing the Low Pressure Methanol Synthesis Converter Inland and Outland
  25. The result shows that this design method is reasonable and data are accurate and reliable for calculation. It can fully be used for design and the guidance of the production of the ammonia synthesis converter.
  26. Low pressure Methanol Synthesis and Isothermic Cold Tube Type of Low Pressure Methanol Synthesis Converter
  27. In-situ Maintenance of the Pressure Regulating Valve of the Synthesis Converter in a Urea Plant
  28. Determination of Outlet Gas Temperature of Hydrogen Chloride Synthesis Converter Made of Graphite
  29. Reasonable Structure Design of a Methanol Synthesis Converter
  30. Modem module implements two functions, receiving the digital signal which is to be sent from the network protocol module, After DDS ( direct digital frequency synthesis) and digital-analog converter, it modulates analog signals which is suitable for underwater transmission.